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It's all about staying visible, offering value, peaking curiosity and offering solutions to people!
Be sure to add a poll on the end graphic so people will respond directly to your private messages.
Hold the photo and click to save.
Then post to your stories.

HOW TO INteract
STEP 1: Be sure to like and engage back to each persons comment or engagement... with the intent to start a conversation.
STEP 2: If they asked for information, Send them some! The video you are referring to is the Explore Tool.
Response (make adjustments)
I'm so thrilled you asked for the video! I cannot wait for you to Explore all the Possibilities!
I'm so thankful I discovered this, it has (CHOOSE ONE: changed my life, it has me so excited to be a part of this movement, it is allowing me to help so many people get unstuck in health and life!)
So excited for you, If I don't hear back today, I'll check back soon!
PRO TIP: Save these messages to the notes of your phone now, so you have them to copy and paste when someone engages.
If they respond- Be sure to ask them which path they chose, products or business/products? What did they like the most!
If Business
Start a 3 way chat with your leader and them...
"Since I am new, I would love for you to hear ____ story and all the success she has had. Hold please, let me start a group chat"
If Product
Isn't it incredible... tell me about what solutions you are looking for currently?
If you need help, ask your leader... they will guide you!
PRO TIP: Remember if you need social proof, you can always add them to your teams FB group!
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