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Commit to yourself that you WILL open the daily texts and complete the 3 tasks for the next 30 days!

It will take less than 30 minutes daily, to launch your business, develop your skills, grow your mindset, and create a wonderful foundation. It is all laid out for you!





Posting  Instructions: Let's get you started right by "warming up your algorithm" and creating some engagement on your social media accounts. This simply means, we're going to get some people liking and commenting on your first post, and starting some conversations.

STEP 1: Post the image below on your profiles and the Story graphics to your Stories! 

To save the image, tap and download. Tap the three dots to expand the caption for copying.

To save the story images, Tap each image then tap and hold save to your device.

Tap to open, then tap and hold to save.

Add a Title

Tap to open, then tap and hold to save.

Add a Title

Tap to open, then tap and hold to save.

Add a Title

Tap to open, then tap and hold to save.

Add a Title

Tap to open, then tap and hold to save.

Add a Title

Tap to open, then tap and hold to save.

STEP 2: Be sure to like and comment back to each persons comment... with the intent to start a conversation. Your likes and comments, work with the algorithm and will help more people see THIS post as well as your UPCOMING posts! There is a method to your madness!

STEP 3: Drop in as many peoples PRIVATE message to continue the conversation that you started in the comments. Perhaps, engage them in private message by asking hem questions about their life. Use the FORD Method, Ask them about Family, Occupation, Recreation or their Dreams.In any business, RELATIONSHIPS are will work on Genuinely and Authentically building your relationships with your network! If and only IF, the conversation leads to you naturally sharing your excitement about your new venture, then feel free to invite them to take a look and share the link to the Exlore Video Series

PRO TIP: Your GOAL is to let the TOOL do the education and only answer questions AFTER! "Use the Tool, Don't be the Tool"

Did you miss a day?

If you missed a day or need a refresher from a previous day, click below


1. The texts for the Success System will conist of daily texts with 2 activities and daily mentoring.
2. Occasional team texts to promote events or promos may be sent in addition to the Daily Success Plan Texts.
3. Replying to the text by answering any questions will help ensure future texts aren't flagged as spam.
4. If at any time you'd like to stop receiving the daily texts, simply text the word NO DAILY to the text number. 
5. If you want to stop all communication for the texts for Success System, text STOP to the text number. 
6. If you stop receiving texts or have a texting isssue please let your enroller know.
7. These texts are NOT coming from Lifevantage Corporate. Please directly reach out to your enroller with questions about the activities, education or team events, or to Lifevantage Corporate for any other inquiries at 866-460-7241.
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